5tourist areas are recommended to be visited in the desert of Algeria
The 5 most important tourist areas in the desert of Algeria 11995
Numerous international reports in recent years have placed Algeria among the most important tourist destinations in the world that it is recommended to visit, due to the diversity of its tourist areas and its geographical nature and vastness, which are not limited to a specific season or a specific region, as the African Mediterranean countries have tourist places that differ according to climate and weather conditions, Its beaches are popular in the summer, and in the winter, tourists make pilgrimages to the desert.
The improvement of the security situation in the country and the increase in the number of visitors to Tamanrasset made tourist agencies offer camping trips to the Escram region
Last May, the American newspaper " The Washington Post " published an article on tourism in Algeria, which included a wild trip by journalist Henry Weissmeier along the country's coastal strip, in which he described Algeria as the sleeping giant of tourism.
In this report, we propose five regions worth visiting during the winter holidays, which are most requested by visitors at the level of tourism agencies, given the difference in each region from the other.
The 5 most important tourist areas in the desert of Algeria 1-1405
The most beautiful sunset city
In the far south of Algeria, in the border state of Tamanrasset with Mali, the Escram region remains to this day astonishing everyone who visits it, because he discovers for the first time that the sun there does not set or rise like other places. It is included in the tourism reports.
In Tamanrasset, there is the highest peak in the country in the Jabbar Al-Haqqar volcanic series that dates back to prehistoric times, in which the Al-Haqqar region is located, as it is called there, which dates back to 12,000 years ago, and the matter is related to the summit of the Atakur Tahat, which is more than three thousand meters high. And between them is the Escram corridor, where you can enjoy the most beautiful sunsets and sunrises in the world.
This rare sight comes from the fact that the colors of the spectrum mix with the colors of the mountains and sands, forming different layers of the horizon, and it is a sight that can be seen at all times of the year, but it requires that the weather be clear, which can be achieved in the winter season, given that the region does not know much rainfall. Likewise, it is not possible to see it in the summer for those who are strangers to the area because of the high temperature there.
Here, the matter is not only about watching the sun rise in the morning or seeing it off before twilight, but also about the story of the person himself. years through wall drawings dating back to prehistoric man.
And with the increase in the number of arrivals to Tamanrasset in recent years, and the improvement of the security situation in the country, tourist agencies today provide camping trips to the Escram region that last for days, according to what is agreed upon in advance with the customer, especially during the winter holidays, and the end-of-year celebrations that some foreigners prefer. You will be in the warm desert instead of the snows of Europe.
The 5 most important tourist areas in the desert of Algeria 1-1406
Year after year, the number of visitors to this city, which is the most important tourist destination in the state of Bechar, is increasing in the southwest of the country, at a distance of more than a thousand kilometers from the capital, Algiers.
Interpretations differ about the origin of the word "Tagit", but some say that it is a Amazigh name derived from "Taghunt", which means room in the Amazigh language, and "Taglit", which means plateau.
In this context, some say about its name that it derives from the word Agel, which is the arm, while some said that it is the narrow place between the mountain and the sand dunes . He is credited with planting the first palm trees in the city, according to some accounts.
Taghit is characterized by its mud palaces, some of which date back to more than 11 centuries and are still standing today, as the city consisted of 24 palaces.
These palaces were built with mud and palm trees, which made them able to resist the harsh nature of the region and its sandy whirlwinds, and also provide natural air conditioning that prevents the entry of heat in the hot summer, which reaches 50 degrees, and raises it in winter when it decreases and the weather becomes cold at night.
The 5 most important tourist areas in the desert of Algeria 1--128
At a distance of more than 1,400 km, Timimoun, or as some call it the Red Oasis, is located, which is one of the most important areas worth visiting in the vast desert of Algeria.
Like other desert areas, Timimon becomes a destination for visitors in the winter because of its warm weather, which allows enjoying its views in its foregrounds, palm oases, and palaces built among sand dunes that date back centuries, and allows the visitor to watch sunsets that you rarely see in other parts of the world.
Timimoun gained the title of the Red Oasis from its 40 palaces built with local raw red bricks. The palace in the language of the local population is a population gathering, surrounded by fields, orchards, and palm oases. Among the most important palaces are Massin, Bani Mahlal, Badrian, and Tanrkuk.
The 5 most important tourist areas in the desert of Algeria 1--656
Some accounts in the city say that the palaces of Timimoun were abandoned by their owners centuries ago after they were covered with sand , and they reappeared after a while, only to disappear again, and these are the accounts that remain to this day the subject of research by those interested in antiquities and natural phenomena.
In view of its importance, the city of Timimoun rose in the last administrative division to a state, after it had been subordinate to Adrar for years, a procedure that may contribute to tourism activity in this new state.
The 5 most important tourist areas in the desert of Algeria 1---281
The new border state with Niger and Libya has recently become one of the most important tourist areas, which prompted the authorities to link its airport with an air line with Paris , a decision that is expected to contribute to the increase in the number of foreign visitors to the city coming from the French capital.
Djanet is characterized by its urban heritage, which dates back to ancient years through its various palaces, especially the palaces of Al-Mihan, Zalawaz, and Ajahil, which are classified as national heritage within the preserved sectors.
Perhaps the most important feature that distinguishes the city, which is 2,800 km away from the capital, Algeria, is the Tassili Najer National Cultural Park, because of its geological formations, rocky and volcanic caves, inscriptions and drawings dating back to prehistoric times, which were classified as world heritage in 1982. It is an open-air museum par excellence.
A tourist who visits Djanet can enjoy a visit to the "Ehrer" oasis, which was included in the 2001 list of "Ramsar" international wetlands, as it is considered a diverse environmental space due to its water bodies and plants of various varieties, making it a home for a variety of migratory birds.
According to the APS, the dynamic tourism activity in Djanet made it available to 41 tourism agencies, as this sector constitutes a source of livelihood for many families living in this region of the Algerian desert.
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Ghardaia(taghardayt) is located in the middle of the northern Algerian desert, known as the Gutter Valley, in relation to the "Mizabees" and they are Amazighs who mostly follow the Ibadi doctrine. Currently), which is characterized by an urban character that is not found in any other region in Algeria.
However, UNESCO contented itself with the classification of only five palaces within the world heritage , which are Ghardaia, Bannoura, Atef, Malika and Bani Yazqin, which date back to the 11th century, due to its preservation of its urban character throughout these centuries and its conservative social system that sanctifies the family and rejects external intrusions.
The urban character of Ghardaïa adopted rules that were implemented in the construction of all palaces, where the mosque is at the entrance to the city, followed by the houses, while the market is outside it, with the aim of not allowing foreigners to enter the conservative city that does not like the penetration of strangers into its social system.

A visitor to the state of Ghardaia(taghardayt) can enjoy visiting other areas such as the old market of the city, the Hadara camp, and the baths of Zelfana.
In addition to the palaces, houses, and mosques of a distinctive urban character in Ghardaia(Taghardayt), the visitor to this state can enjoy visiting other areas such as the old market of the city, the Hadara camp that provides fun sand skiing, the "Noah's Ark" zoo, and the Zelfana mineral baths, which is one of the most attractive areas . for tourists.

Source : websites