Algiers' interference in the Amazigh question in Libya. The Amazigh Supreme Council confirms and reacts
Algiers' interference in the Amazigh question in Libya. The Amazigh Supreme Council confirms and reacts 11878
Revealed in its edition this Wednesday by adn-med , Algerian interference in the Amazigh file in Libya has just been officially confirmed by the Supreme Council of the Amazighs of Libya, the CSAL.
?Towards a diplomatic crisis
In a press release dated April 24 but which was only brought to the attention of the media on Wednesday, the CSAL reacted to the Algerian initiative in terms that Algiers, which until then had concealed this problem, should not be able to deal with silence for long.
Algiers' interference in the Amazigh question in Libya. The Amazigh Supreme Council confirms and reacts 1-1212
" In a blatant interference, the Algerian Ambassador to Libya asks the Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, during his meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs ( Libyan editor's note) , Ms. Naglaa Al-Manqoush, to cancel and end to the work of the Amazigh Supreme Council in Libya (…) We, sons of the Libyan movement, affirm our rejection of any interference in our internal affairs and that the Amazigh Supreme Council is an elected, legitimate body and that it is considered our legitimate representative inside and outside Libya. » denounce the signatories who underline that, for their part, the Libyan Amazighs have forbidden themselves any form of interference in the internal affairs of the countries of North Africa.
The press release nevertheless recalls that “ the cultural exchange between the Amazighs of these countries is legitimate. »
More politically, the leadership of the CSAL declares that “ the Algerians affirm that their political problems with the Kingdom of Morocco are not part of our concerns and we do not interfere there. A precaution, intended to defuse possible attacks from Algiers, which takes a dim view of the dense and close relations that the CSAL maintains with the Moroccan Amazigh movement. “ Our relationship with the Amazighs of Morocco is based on cultural relations and the exchange of experiences in the field of language and culture and does not go beyond that. »

Precedents passed over in silence
Algerian silence is difficult to sustain. Indeed, the CSAL concludes by asking “ the Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs to react quickly and firmly and by rejecting this flagrant interference by the Algerian government in Berber affairs in Libya. »
Neither the press nor the Algerian institutions nor the parties of the government alliance like those of the opposition nor, moreover, the Amazigh organizations of North Africa have, to date, commented on an event which seems to be on its way to generate at least a debate on a subject that annoys, at most a particularly delicate diplomatic explanation.
This is not the first time that a regime that makes pan-Arabism its primary reference invites itself into the affairs of another country on the Amazigh question. In volume 3 of his memoirs* Said Sadi recalls that when the RCD was created in February 1989, Saddam Hussein had his embassy in Algiers condemn the legalization of a formation considered by Baghdad as a betrayal of "the Arab nation". . Arrested, Mouloud Hamrouche, head of government at the time, had not deigned to react to the Iraqi interference. The government of Tripoli, whose position is already weakened by a severe internal crisis, will it be able to afford the same dodging in 2023?
Algiers' interference in the Amazigh question in Libya. The Amazigh Supreme Council confirms and reacts 1-1213
* “ Hate as a rival ”. February 2019. Éditions Frantz Fanon in Algeria, Altava in Europe and Voix libre in North America.

Source : websites