It protects against digestive and respiratory problems and enhances immunity.. Benefits of plantain herb
Benefits of plantain herb 1----z15
Plantain is a very useful seed that helps promote health in various ways. It is native to Europe and parts of Asia. This perennial plant produces green flowers and has large, oval-shaped leaves that can be eaten raw or cooked.
Despite sharing its name, plantain is not related to the plantain fruit (banana).
Several species of edible plantain herbs are reported to belong to the same broadleaf plantain family. These include:
Narrow-leaved plantain (Plantago lanceolata)
Plantain black seed (Plantago rugelii)
Blond plantain (Plantago ovata)
Plantain (Plantago aristata)
Chinese plantain (Plantago asiatica)
Woolly plantain (Plantago patagonica)
Although they are often considered weeds, these plants all contain edible leaves and seeds, which have been used medicinally for centuries.
What is plantain herb?
It is one of the types of natural seeds rich in fiber, which is grown in Asia and India in particular.
Benefits of plantain herb 1----z16
Plantain herb / Wikipedia
The majority of the benefits of plantain are found in the cover of these seeds. As for the rest of the seed, it is often used as food for livestock, so the most common form of plantain is supplements or capsules rich in the beneficial extract of plantain.
Nutritional value of plantain herb
One tablespoon of plantain peels contains approximately:
Nutrients Quantity/100 grams
Calories 18 calories
Fiber 3.5 milligrams
Carbohydrates Milligrams 4
Sodium 5 milligrams
Iron 0.9 milligram
Benefits of plantain herb
Maintains the respiratory system
One of the most popular traditional uses of this herb is to support lung health, as plantain leaves are rich in mucilage, which exerts a protective and soothing activity on the respiratory system. It moisturizes and coats the airways with a protective layer, reducing the irritation that causes dry cough.
Researchers in Bulgaria found that plantain leaves are effective against chronic bronchitis, as the herb contains glycerin and pectin, which have natural soothing properties and have a soothing effect on the lungs, which stimulates the production of more mucus, which helps relieve discomfort and irritation.
Boosts immunity
Plantain leaves contain a high percentage of immune-boosting vitamins A and C, and the high tannin content imparts astringent properties that reduce inflammation and fight infection by depriving bacteria of nutrients.
Benefits of plantain herb 1----z30
Plantain herb
One of the lesser-known active ingredients in Plantain is Plantagocid, which has a similar molecular structure to the active ingredient Echinacoside, and has been shown to have a similar action in modulating the immune response.
Maintains digestive system health
The high mucilage content of plantain leaves, along with their anti-inflammatory properties, makes this herb great for treating many digestive problems.
Mucilage-rich herbs absorb toxins in the intestines and give a normal bulk to the stool. They also contribute to reducing transit time through the intestines by absorbing water in the colon and creating a bulking and softening effect on the stool.
Benefits of plantain herb 1----z17
Plantain seeds/social networking sites
Plantain also has astringent properties that make it effective in treating diarrhea, gastritis, and colitis, as it can help restore the acid balance that regulates stomach secretions, and can treat infections in the stomach and intestines.
It helps heal wounds and maintains healthy skin
When used topically, plantain is an excellent remedy for treating and healing wounds. It also has the ability to stop bleeding and heal bruises, including puncture wounds, insect bites, bee and wasp stings, nettles, boils, and ulcers.
When treating wounds and other open wounds, it not only helps stop bleeding, but also prevents infection by removing dirt, and can also be used as an antiseptic for wounds.
Benefits of plantain herb 1----z31
It contains a compound known as allantoin - a powerful agent that soothes the skin and encourages cell growth. Plantain can be used to provide natural relief from sunburn, to treat acne and rosacea and for healthy, glowing and blemish-free skin.

Source: websites