**Some information about the Spartan civilization**
**Some information about the Spartan civilization** 11049
**Geographical location:**
Sparta was a city located in the Laconia region of the Peloponnese Peninsula in southern Greece. The city is located in the valley of the Eurotas River, which provided it with necessary natural resources. It was surrounded by the Taygetos mountain range to the west and the Parnon mountain range to the east, making it a naturally fortified area.
**the date:**
Sparta was founded around the 10th century BC and became a major military power in ancient Greece. Sparta reached its peak in power and influence during the Classical Period (5th-4th centuries BC).
**Some information about the Spartan civilization** 13-22
**Notable historical features:**
1. **Government and Society:** Sparta was known for its unique and distinct government with a dual system of kings. Actual power was in the hands of the Senate (the Gerosia) and the Council of Citizens (the Abella).
2. **Military System:** Sparta was famous for its strict military system and military education that began at an early age. Spartan men were trained to become professional soldiers, and were considered among the best warriors in the ancient world.
3. **Notable Wars:**
- **Persian Wars (499-449 BC):** Sparta played an important role in resisting the Persian invasions, especially in the Battle of Thermopylae. **Notable historical features:**
- **Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC):** Sparta was the main enemy of Athens in this great war, which ended in Spartan victory.
4. **Decline:** After the Peloponnesian Wars, Sparta's power began to decline. In 371 BC, Sparta was defeated at the Battle of Leuctra by Thebes, greatly reducing its influence.
Sparta was an example of military power and extreme discipline, and greatly influenced the culture and politics of ancient Greece.

Source: websites