The Association of Keepers of Memory and students of the National School of Architecture in Nancy, France, restores the heritage of Kdort
The Association of Keepers of Memory and students of the National School of Architecture in Nancy, France, restores the heritage of Kdort 1627
The Guardians of Memory Association organized a workshop with the students of the National High School of Architecture in Nancy, France. The student delegation was received by the organizers of the architectural workshop. Dr. Eng. Region.
The Association of Keepers of Memory and students of the National School of Architecture in Nancy, France, restores the heritage of Kdort 1-1126
The workshop was carried out in coordination with the local authorities at the request of the National High School of Architecture, which showed interest in the engineering of the southern regions of Morocco, including the Keddort tribe, which aroused the scientific curiosity of its students, both in form and in terms of decoration and content in terms of building materials.
The Association of Keepers of Memory and students of the National School of Architecture in Nancy, France, restores the heritage of Kdort 1-281
According to Saeed Bawarkan, a member of the Kodort Association and head of the Okas Tourist Cooperative, the history of Kodort Oasis goes back more than 700 years, and it consists of compact and close-knit houses of its inhabitants, and the shape of the building highlights the solidarity of the family. One welded from the 1960s, cement crept over the once natural materials, which were 100 percent ecological.
The Association of Keepers of Memory and students of the National School of Architecture in Nancy, France, restores the heritage of Kdort 1--487
According to Dr. Engineer Salima al-Naji, who activated the workshop, which was supervised by Pierre Colonna and Mark Birdy, who are professors of the National High School of Architecture in Nancy, France, and they are the ones who asked the association for help in terms of organizing and choosing places to visit, and the workshop projects to be presented to their students, according to Dr. Salima started the journey from Agadir Oufella to the Kasbah of Amghar, to present modern models inspired by traditional basic materials, and to make stone and wood the basis of the building, and materials other than those that claimed the lives of those killed in the Agadir earthquake were chosen, and in coordination with the local authorities and Mr. Wali, the specialized teachers chose techniques that respect these The foundations of the Restoration Project.
The Association of Keepers of Memory and students of the National School of Architecture in Nancy, France, restores the heritage of Kdort 1--113
On the next day, the student delegation learned about the components of building the sites of the Thugjijth market, and a group of sites that have been restored, including Tamdulet Aqa. The mineral richness that made the region capable of constructing Dar al-Sikkah, during the period of the state of Sijilmasa, as mentioned by Ibn Hawqal and other informants who surrounded the medieval history of the region.
The Association of Keepers of Memory and students of the National School of Architecture in Nancy, France, restores the heritage of Kdort 1---227
According to Dr. Eng. Salima, the student moth visited the Kasbah of Amghar, which dates back to the Saadian period, similar to the Almohad minaret of Hassan in Rabat. A chapter in its legal framework, Mr. Amo, and now the team is working on the restoration that preserves the original in coordination with the head of the group, Abdullah Ghazi, through deep planning for future workshops with interested student missions, which will include the site of Takme Noukpur in the Tafraout district, and Dr. Salima added that the students were interested in the pattern Construction, and they had a long journey with specialists each from his site.
The Association of Keepers of Memory and students of the National School of Architecture in Nancy, France, restores the heritage of Kdort 1---228
The students had a three-day stay in the oasis, thanks to Mr. Saeed Arkan, who worked on presenting the details of the oasis, its historical framework, its human reconstruction, the exploitation of its water sources, to create green spaces, and to create an environmental balance that respects nature and man and protects heritage, using traditional building materials on Account for extraneous and destructive materials.
The Association of Keepers of Memory and students of the National School of Architecture in Nancy, France, restores the heritage of Kdort 1----98
According to Dr. Salima al-Naji, these workshops are capable of creating a generation of engineers who are fully aware of the specificity of the region, the techniques of building its property and its common heritage, and are able to preserve the beautiful view of the tribe, especially since they are receiving training from specialists in major universities such as the French Sorbonne.

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