Kings of the Pharaohs-1-
Kings of the Pharaohs-1- 1-2777
Kings of the Pharaohs | A list of the names of the male rulers of the ancient Pharaonic civilization of Egypt, starting from the kings of prehistoric times up to the kings of the 31st Egyptian Dynasty and the era of the Ptolemaic and Roman Kingdoms, with pictures and precise details. Discover who are the great, most famous, and greatest Pharaoh kings throughout history and what are their relics.
You can view the list of queens of ancient Egypt and the list of nobles of Pharaonic Egypt through our website.
Kings of the Pharaohs
The list of the historical succession of the Pharaoh kings of Egypt was recorded through documented sources, including Pharaonic artifacts discovered in tombs, temples, and underground in the cities of Luxor, Aswan, Giza, and Saqqara, in addition to the sources of Egyptologists and historians interested in researching and excavating the secrets of ancient Egyptian civilization, such as the Greek historian Manetho, which is…
Den seal impressions: It is considered the oldest list of the kings of the Pharaohs. It was discovered in 1985 AD in the tomb of King Den of the First Egyptian Dynasty. It was discovered by the German Institute of Archaeology and the German Dr. Gunther Dreher.
Palermo Stone: The names of the kings of the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt were carved on a rectangular black basalt stone. The broken sides of the Cairo Annals stone hide other names.
Kings of the Pharaohs-1- 1-645
List of the Kings of Giza: The names of the kings of the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt were drawn on cedar wood and plaster using red, black, and green ink. The Giza writing board was discovered in the tomb of Mesgeru and his wife Heteneferet and contains the names of only 6 kings.
South Saqqara stone: The names of the kings of the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt were carved on the lid of the sarcophagus of Queen Ankhes-en-Pepi, made of black basalt stone, 2.43 meters long, 0.92 cm wide, and 20 cm thick. It was discovered in a storage room in the pyramid of Queen Ebut II within the Pepi II pyramid complex in Saqqara. .
List of kings in Karnak: The names of 61 Pharaonic kings, starting from the kings of the First Dynasty of Egypt until the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt, were carved on a limestone slab and were inscribed on the walls of the Temple of Amun in Karnak, Luxor.
List of kings in Abydos: The list of kings in Abydos was discovered on a limestone wall in the temple of King Seti I in Abydos. The names of 76 Pharaonic kings were carved from the First Dynasty to the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt. The list does not contain the names of important kings in the history of ancient Egypt, such as the queen. Hatshepsut, King Akhenaten “Amenhotep IV”, King Smenkhkare, the young king Tutankhamun, King Ay, and the period of the Hyksos kings to rule the Pharaonic throne of Egypt.
The list of kings in Abydos is for King Ramesses II: The names of the kings of the Nineteenth Dynasty are carved on the limestone.
List of Saqqara Kings: The names of 58 Pharaonic kings were carved in the Saqqara stela, starting from the First Egyptian Dynasty until the reign of King Ramesses II, the Nineteenth Egyptian Dynasty. It was discovered in the tomb of Tenri, the high priest in Saqqara. It does not contain the name of King Akhenaten and the rest of the kings after him, in addition to the period of the rule of the Hyksos and the rulers of the second transitional period of the history of ancient Egypt.
Turin Papyrus: The names of the Pharaohs' kings, starting from the kings of the First Dynasty until the reign of King Ramesses II, were written on a papyrus roll in the ancient hieratic language using red and black ink.
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Prehistoric kings:
The time period was from 4500 to 3100 BC, known as the Predynastic Era.
Names of the pharaohs of Lower Egypt Governors of the Northern Nile and Delta regions:
1 King Scio or Sica
2 King Khieu
3 King Teo or Tiwi
Date of birth: 4000 BC. M
4 King Ch
Date of birth: 3200 BC. M
5 King Wezner
6 The king is plundered
7 King Mech
Period of rule: 3180 BC. M
8 King Hejo Hor
Clay jugs and pottery remains in the northeastern Abu Zidan region and the Tora region in the eastern Nile Delta.
Governor of the regions of northern Egypt
Period of rule: 3250 BC. M
9King Ni-Hor
Pottery and stone vessels bearing his name.
10 King Hat - Hor
Remnants of pottery pieces and an inscription with his name on a clay tablet in the Tora region, east of the Nile Delta.
Period of rule: 3180 BC. M
11The Double Falcon King, or Djo and Nabawi, or King Saqr the First
An inscription on shattered fragments containing “four serekhs” in the Muhammadiyah region in the northeastern Nile River Delta. A pottery jar on Tura Island bearing a serekh in the name of the king in 1912 AD.
Circus from the double falcon in an archaeological area in the Sinai Peninsula, the archaeological area of Tell Ibrahim Awad in the eastern delta of the Nile River, the archaeological area of Adema and Abydos in southern Egypt, and a quarry in Al-Muhaim in southern Palestine.
Governor of the provinces of Lower Egypt and regions in northwest Sinai, southern Egypt.
Ruling period: 3200 BC
Date of birth: 3100 BC. M
12King Wash
Kings of the Pharaohs-1- 1--1355
Names of the pharaohs of Upper Egypt | The era of the Egyptian Sefrin dynasty:
The list contains the names of the pharaohs who ruled the throne of ancient Egypt starting from the end of the Naqada III civilization, which is presented as “Dynasty 00”.
1King Piggy
2King Fish
3King Elephant
4King Stork
5King Taurus
6King Scorpio I
The tomb of Scorpio I, number U-j, in the cemetery of Umm al-Jaab, Abydos.
Remains of a wooden platform, 400 pottery vessels filled with Pharaonic wine, 160 plates made of ivory “elephant tooth”, pottery vessels containing royal food, and sticks made of ivory.
Governor of the regions of southern Egypt
Period of rule: 3200 BC. M
Names of the kings of Upper Egypt | Egyptian Dynasty Zero:
The time period was from 3050 to 2850 BC, which immediately precedes the beginning of the construction of the early Egyptian Pharaonic dynasties.
1King Ni-Hur
2King Hat - Hor
3Kingship by him - Hur
4 King Eri - Hor
Eri Hor Cemetery in Umm al-Jaab Tombs, Abydos.
A number of 22 pots made of pottery inscribed with the name of Eri Hor, and many pottery remains that were discovered in the regions he controlled contain an inscription with the name of the Pharaonic king.
Governor of the regions of southern Egypt from the Abydos region, Sinai, parts of the Nile Delta, regions in northern Egypt.
5Al-Malik Ka or Sekhem Ka “Sakhen”
Ka Tomb in Umm al-Jaab Tombs, Abydos.
A Pharaonic serekh inscribed on a number of artifacts discovered in the Tarkhan area, Wadi Tumilat.
Governor of the provinces of Upper Egypt from the Abydos region.
Date of birth: 3200 BC
Date of death: 3100 BC
6Scorpion King II
Drawings of scenes of a Pharaonic inscription of the Scorpion King on the head of a hammer.
Governor of the regions of southern Egypt
Kings of the Archaic Era - the era of the early Egyptian dynasties
The time period was from 3050 to 2687 BC.
Kings of the Pharaohs, First Egyptian Dynasty:
The time period was from 3150 to 2890 BC. The capital of Egypt at that time was the city of Thenis in southern Egypt, “currently Nag al-Mashayikh, the center of Al-Balina, Sohag Governorate.”

1King Narmer
Tomb No. B17 in Umm al-Jaab Tombs, Abydos.
An enamel plaque made of green schist stone, engraved with his unification of the regions of Upper and Lower Egypt and his victory over the enemies.
An alabaster statue of the baboon god, a sealed clay jar and a pottery jar inscribed with the name of King Narmer, suppressed, 33 serekhs on pottery sherds, with an engraved inscription on a vessel, and more than 12 archaeological sites in Egypt.
Wife: Queen Neithhotep
Children: Prince Hor Aha
Ruling period: between 3273 - 2987 BC
2 King Hor-Aha or Aha Thani
The tomb of Hor Aha in the Umm al-Jaab Tombs, Abydos.
Hor-Aha cemetery in Saqqara.
Cylindrical bowl, piece of decorated ceramic, fragment of ebony wood,
A stone bowl and an ivory label inscribed with the serekh of King Lahor-Aha.
Wife: Queen Bener Ib and Queen Khenthab
Period of rule: 3100 BC, period of rule = 62 years.
3The king is a drag or a traitor. A drag or a traitor
Grave tomb in Umm al-Jaab Tombs, Abydos.
A Pharaonic impressionistic seal engraved with the king’s name, a flint knife for Pharaonic religious rituals, a stone plaque, and elephant tooth “ivory” panels.
Wife: Queen Nakht-Net, Queen Harnit, Queen Seshmet-ka, Queen Benbawi
Children: Princess Merit Nate, Prince Jet
Period of rule: 3000 BC, period of rule = 41 years.
4 King Gath
Tomb of Gath in Umm al-Jaab Tombs, Abydos.
A stone plaque engraved with the name of King Gath, engraved on rocks
Wife: Queen Merit-Neith, Queen Aha-Neith
Children: Prince Den
Father: King Khent Djer
Period of rule: 2980 BC, period of rule = 10 years.
5 King Den or Hor Den
Dunn Cemetery in Umm al-Jaab Tombs, Abydos.
Wife: Queen Samat, Queen Nect-neith, Queen Waq-neith
Father: King Gath
Mother: Queen Meer Neith
Period of rule: 2970 BC, period of rule = 42 years.
6 King Aj Ib
The tomb of Aj Ibb in Umm al-Jaab Tombs, Abydos.
Pots made of marble, alabaster, and schist, with the king’s name carved on them, as well as a collection of clay jars and ivory “elephant teeth” cards.
Wife: Queen Bit Rust
Father: King Den
Period of rule: 2930 BC, period of rule = 10 years.
7 King Samarkhet
Samar Khatt Cemetery in Umm al-Jaab Tombs, Abydos.
A clay jar, a pottery shell, an ivory card, and an alabaster bowl inscribed with the serekh of King Samar Khatt.
Father: King Aj Ibb
Mother: Queen Bit Rust
Period of rule: 2920 BC, period of rule = 8 years.
8 King Qaa or Qai
Qaa Cemetery in Umm al-Jaab Tombs, Abydos.
Father: King Samar Khatt
Period of rule: 2910 BC, period of rule = 33 years.
9 King Seneverka
10King Horus Ba

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