Kings of the Pharaohs-4-
Kings of the Pharaohs-4- 1-2777
You can view the list of queens of ancient Egypt and the list of nobles of Pharaonic Egypt through our website.
The list of the historical succession of the Pharaoh kings of Egypt was recorded through documented sources, including Pharaonic artifacts discovered in tombs, temples, and underground in the cities of Luxor, Aswan, Giza, and Saqqara, in addition to the sources of Egyptologists and historians interested in researching and excavating the secrets of ancient Egyptian civilization, such as the Greek historian Manetho, which is…
Kings of the Pharaohs of the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt:
Kings of the Pharaohs-4- 1-645
The time period of the reign of the kings of the Twelfth Dynasty was from 2060-1802 BC.
1King Amenemhat I
Pyramid of Amenemhat I, stone statue, funerary complex in Lisht
Wife: Queen Nefertat Janini
Father: King Senusret
Mother: Queen Nefer
Children: Prince Senusret I, Neferu III, Neferu-Sherit, Prince Keit
Ruling period: 1991–1962 BC. M
2King Senusret I
Pyramid of Senusret I, stone statues, the white chapel or white temple in the Karnak temple complex, a stone temple and obelisk in Heliopolis, a granite statue base
Wife: Queen Neferu III
Father: King Amenemhat I
Mother: Queen Nefri Tatenen
Children: Prince Amenemhat II
Ruling period: 1971–1926 BC. M
Sentence period = 43 years
3King Amenemhat II or Neb-ka-Ra
Stone statues, the White Pyramid and a mortuary temple in Dahshur
Father: King Senusret I
Mother: Queen Neferu III
Children: Prince Senusret II
Ruling period: 1929–1895 BC. M
Sentence period = 35 years
4King Senusret II or Kha-Kheper-Ra
Head of a stone statue, Lahun Pyramid in Fayoum, agricultural arches
Wife: Queen Neferet II
Father: King Amenemhat II
Children: Prince Senusret III, Princess Sat-Hathor Ant
Ruling period: 1897–1878 BC. M
5King Senusret III or Khakare
A stone statue, a castle in the Phoenician city of Byblos, a Pharaonic obelisk, Semna Castle and Qemna Castle behind the second cataract in southern Egypt, a temple in Abydos, a temple in Madamud. Pyramid of Senusret III in Dahshur,
Wife: Queen Meritseger, Queen Neferet Henut, Queen Khenemnefer, Queen Hegit II
Father: King Senusret II
Children: Prince Amenemhat III, Minet, and Mereret
Mother: Queen Khenemneferhagit I
Ruling period: 1878 - 1839 BC. M
6King Amenemhat III
Stone statues, Hawara Pyramid, Black Pyramid in Dahshur, top of a stone pyramid,
Father: King Senusret III
Children: Prince Amenemhat IV, Princess Neferu-Ptah, Princess Sobekneferu
Ruling period: 1860–1814 BC. M
7King Amenemhat IV
Stone statues, temple in the Goldsmiths Palace in Fayoum
Father: King Amenemhat III
Ruling period: 1815–1806 BC. M
Date of death: 1806 BC. M
8Queen Sobekneferu or Sobekneferu
Stone statues
Father: King Amenemhat III
Ruling period: 1806–1802 BC. M
Sentence period = 4 years.
Date of death: 1802 BC. M
Kings of the Pharaohs-4- 1-2778
Kings of the Thirteenth Dynasty of Egypt:
The time period was from 1802 to about 1649 BC.
1King Sobekhotep I
Pharaonic tomb in Abydos, sarcophagus made of quartzite,
Ruling period: 1802–1800 BC. M
Sentence period = 3 years.
2King Amenemhat-Senepf
Ruling period: 1796–1800 BC. M
3King Nerikare
Period of rule: 1796 BC. M
4King Amenemhat V or Sikhimkari
Ruling period: 1796–1793 BC. M
5 King Omni Kimaw
Ruling period: 1795–1792 BC. M
6 King Hotep-ip-Ra or Hetep-ib-Ra I or Si-Hetep-ib-Ra II
Ruling period: 1792–1790 BC. M
7King Ifni
Ruling period: 1790–1788 BC. M
8 King Amenemhat VI
Ruling period: 1788–1785 BC. M
9 King Si-Minka Ra
Ruling period: 1785–1783 BC. M
10King Sahotepre
Cylindrical seal
Ruling period: 1783-1781 BC. M
Sentence period = two years
11King Sua Djeka Ra
Period of rule: 1781 BC. M
12King Ndigimber
Period of rule: 1780 BC.
13King Sobehotep II
Pharaonic tomb in Abydos, quartzite sarcophagus
Ruling period: 1780–1777 BC. M
14King Rin Sin Ib
Period of rule: 1777 BC. M
15King Hor Uybri
Pharaonic tomb in Wajd Dahshur cemetery, quartzite sarcophagus, stone and wooden statues, royal jewelry.
Ruling period: 1777–1775 BC. M
16King Sekhem-Rakhtawi-Khabau
Ruling period: 1775–1772 BC. M
17King Djidkheberio
Ruling period: 1772–1770 BC. M
18King Sibacai
19King Amenemhat VII
Ruling period: 1769–1766 BC. M
20King Khotawi-Ra and Jafa
White limestone plaque, stone statues
Ruling period: 1794–1757 BC. M
21King Userkaf's dagger
Pyramid of Userkaf's dagger
Period of rule: 1765 BC. M
Sentence period = 3 years.
22King Smenkhkir Emeremishu
Two huge statues
Period of rule: 1759 BC
Sentence period = 5 years.
23King Intef the Fifth
Sentence period = 7 years.
24King Seth Meriber
The period of rule until 1749 BC. M
Sentence period = 7 years.
25King Sobehotep III
The middle hole stone, a shrine in the Temple of Mentu in Madmud, a temple in El-Kab City, a statue made of red granite stone, part of a granite statue,
Wife: Queen Senbinz, Queen Nene
Father: King Mentuhotep
Mother: Queen Oht Apo
Children: Prince Iohoteppi, Prince Dodgeoneit
Ruling period: 1755–1751 BC. M
Sentence period = 3 years.
26King Neferhotep I
A stone statue, a stone plaque in the godmother buried in Abydos, a niche in the Karnak Temple
Father: King Haankhaf
Mother: Queen Kemi
Sons: Prince Sahathor, Prince Sobekhotep, Prince Haankhef and Harhotep
Ruling period: 1751–1740 BC. M
Sentence period = 11 years.
27 King Min-Wadd-Ra
Period of rule: 1739 BC
Duration of sentence: one year.
Antiquities: An unfinished tomb in the Abydos cemetery.
28King Sobehotep IV
Father: King Haankhaf
Mother: Queen Cammy
Ruling period: 1740–1730 BC
Sentence period: 10 years.
Antiquities: Stone statues, granite and sandstone plaque.
29 King Sobehotep V
Period of rule: 1730 BC
Sentence period: 5 years.
Antiquities: Stone statue, sandstone plaque, granite offering table, shrine in Abydos.
30King Sobehotep VI
Period of rule: 1730 BC
Sentence period: 5 years.
31King Waheb-Ra
Period of rule: 1670 BC
Sentence period: 10 years.
32King Merneferre Ay
Ruling period: 1701–1677 BC
Sentence period: 24 years.
Antiquities: Pharaonic scarab, royal tomb in Avaris.
33King Merhotepre I or Sobekhotep the eighth
Father: King Merneferre
Ruling period: 1677–1675 BC
Duration of sentence: 3 years.
Antiquities: Pharaonic scarab, stone plaque, royal seal.
34 King Sankhen-Re
Ruling period: 1675–1672 BC
Sentence period: 4 years.
35King Mer-Sik-um-Ra
Ruling period: 1672–1669 BC
Sentence period: 4 years.
Antiquities: A granite statue.
36King Siwakari Hor
Ruling period: 1669 to 1664 BC
Sentence period: 5 years.
37 King Sobehotep VII or Merkwer Sobehotep
Ruling period: 1664–1663 BC. M
38King Mirkheyebre
Ruling period: 1663–1649 BC
Relics: Scarab seal.
39King Mentuhotep V
Period of rule: 1655 BC
40King Sihiqenre
Ruling period: 1663 to 1649 BC
43King Siwahenre
44King Min Khu Ra Snaib
45King Mir-Shib-Ses-Ra
Kings of the Pharaohs-4- 1--1355
Kings of the Pharaohs of the Fourteenth Dynasty of Egypt:
The time period was from 1805 or 1710 to 1650 BC.
1 King Yakibimsekhen-Ra
Ruling period: 1805–1780 BC
2 King Nobusir
Ruling period: 1780–1770 BC
3King Qara Khosr Ra
Ruling period: 1770–1760 BC
4 King Ahhotep Ra
Ruling period: 1760–1745 BC
5King Sheshi or Ma-ib-Ra
Ruling period: 1745–1705 BC
6 King Nehisi
Period of rule: 1705 BC
7 King Ka-kir-e-Ra
8 King Ni-Bfau-Ra
Period of rule: 1704 BC
9 King Si-Hep-Re
Ruling period: 1704 to 1699 BC
10 King Mered Geoff Ra
Period of rule: 1699 BC
11King Siwadkare III
12 King Nebedgi Fa Ra
Period of rule: 1694 BC
13King Wei bin Ra
Period of rule: 1690 BC
14 King Nebsin-Ra
Ruling period: 1690 to 1649 BC
15King Djedkare
16 King Pipnum
17King Abebe
Period of rule: 1650 BC
18King Noya
19King Wazad
20King Shanna
21King Shenchak
22King Khamu Ra
23 King Yakarib
24King Jacob is hot
Egypt underwent a period of the Second Age of Decay, known as the Second Transition...
Kings of the Pharaohs of the Fifteenth Dynasty of Egypt:
The time period was from 1674 to 1535 BC. The rulers of the throne of ancient Egypt at that time were all from the Hyksos series that invaded Egypt for a short period.
1 King Salitis
Period of rule: 1648 BC
2 King Samqan, Shamqanu, or Samqan
Period of rule: 1649 BC
3 King Apiranat
4 King Sakir Har, or Sakir Har, or Sakir Har
5 The king betrayed
Ruling period: 1610 to 1580 BC
Sentence period: 30 years.
Antiquities: Stone statues.
6 King Yanasi
7 King Apophis or Abebe
Sentence period: 40 years.
8 King Apophis II, or Akne-en-Ra-appi
9 King Khamudi
Ruling period: 1555–1544 BC
10King Senp Kay
Period of rule: 1650 BC
11 King Snape
12King Pantegeni
13The king and Bawawa Masaf

Kings of the Sixteenth Dynasty of Egypt:
The time period was from 1650 to 1580 BC.
1 King Djioti or Sakmar Smantawi Djioti
Duration of sentence: 3 years.
2 King Sobehotep VIII
Period of rule: 1650 BC
Sentence period: 16 years.
3King Neferhotep III
Duration of sentence: one year.
4 King Montumhat
Ruling period: 1628-1627 BC
Antiquities: Stone statues.
5 King Nibiru I
Ruling period: 1627–1601 BC
6King Nibiraw II or Nibiraw II or Nibirrawit II
Period of rule: 1600 BC
7 King Bibyankh
Antiquities: Pharaonic dagger, stone plaque.
8 King Didomus I
Ruling period: 1588–1582 BC
9 King Didomus II
Ruling period: 1588–1582 BC
10King Djedankhare or Djedanker Montmesaf
Period of rule: 1590 BC
11King Mentuhotep VI or Meranker Mentuhotep VI
Period of rule: 1590 BC
12King Senusret IV Senferiber
13King Sikhamer Shedoast

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Source: websites