Kings of the Pharaohs-7-
Kings of the Pharaohs-7- 1-2777
You can view the list of queens of ancient Egypt and the list of nobles of Pharaonic Egypt through our website.
The list of the historical succession of the Pharaoh kings of Egypt was recorded through documented sources and Pharaonic artifacts discovered in tombs, temples and underground in the cities of Luxor, Aswan, Giza and Saqqara, in addition to the sources of Egyptologists and historians interested in researching and excavating the secrets of ancient Egyptian civilization, such as the Greek historian Manetho, which is...
Kings of the Pharaohs, Twenty-Sixth Dynasty of Egypt:
The time period of the rule of the Egyptian Pharaohs of the Twenty-Sixth Dynasty was 664 to 525 BC.
King Nechoba
King Necho I
King Psammetik I (Wahib Ra)
King Necho II (Ham-ib-Ra)
King Psamtik II (Negrib Ra)
King Ha-ib-Ra (Ha-ib-Ra)
King Ahmose II (Khnum-ip-Re)
King Psamtik III (Nankhkare)
Kings of the Twenty-Seventh Dynasty of Egypt:
Kings of the Pharaohs-7- 1-645
The time period was from 525 BC after the Persians conquered Egypt.
King Cambyses
King Darius I
King Cassis I
King Erxor Cassis I
King Dar Yus II
King Artzer Pussy |Ththa
Kings of the Twenty-Eighth Dynasty of Egypt:
The time period was from 398 BC and for only 6 years.
King Amyrtaeus
Kings of the Pharaohs-7- 1-2778
Kings of the Pharaohs of the Twenty-ninth Dynasty of Egypt:
The time period was 398 to 380 BC
King Naif Ao-Rod (Nefertes) (Ba Inda Mernthru)
King Hegra (Maat Khanem Ra)
King Psammut (Wasr-Ra Setep-en-Bah)
King Hakor (Maat and Ra)
King Naif Ao Rod II (Nefertes)
Kings of the Pharaohs-7- 1--1355
The Thirty Kings of the Egyptian Dynasty:
The time period of the rule of the kings of the Pharaohs of the Thirty Egyptian Dynasty was 380 to 343 BC.
King Kheperkare Nectanebo I
King Ermatenre - Teos, free grandfather
King Sandjem Ib Ra - Set Ibn Enhur - Nectanebo II

Kings of the Thirty-first Egyptian Dynasty:
The time period was 343 to 332 BC.
King of Arterses III (Ochus)
King Arses
King Dar Yus III (Koduman)
Hellenistic era - Hellenistic period
The time period was 332 to 309 BC. The period of Alexander the Great’s rule began to rule the throne of ancient Egypt, where the merging of Greek-Macedonian culture with the Pharaonic culture of Egypt began.

The era of the Ptolemaic Kingdom
The time period was 305 to 30 BC.
List of kings of Egypt in the Greek and Ptolemaic era:

The era of the Roman Kingdom
The time period of the rulers of the throne of Egypt was the Roman era period from 30 to 2 BC.

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Source: websites