Kings of the Pharaohs-2-
Kings of the Pharaohs-2- 1-2777
You can view the list of queens of ancient Egypt and the list of nobles of Pharaonic Egypt through our website.
The list of the historical succession of the Pharaoh kings of Egypt was recorded through documented sources, including Pharaonic artifacts discovered in tombs, temples, and underground in the cities of Luxor, Aswan, Giza, and Saqqara, in addition to the sources of Egyptologists and historians interested in researching and excavating the secrets of ancient Egyptian civilization, such as the Greek historian Manetho, which is…
Kings of the Pharaohs-2- 1-645
Kings of the Second Egyptian Dynasty:
The time period was from 2850 to 2687 BC. The capital of Egypt at that time was the city of Memphis in Giza.
1 King Hotepsekhemwy
Tomb of Hetepesekhemwy, Saqqara.
Stone vase, clay seals inscribed with the name of the Pharaonic king
Children: Prince Barnab
Period of rule: 2740 BC, period of rule = 25 years.
2 King Neb-Re
A pottery vessel engraved with the name of the Pharaonic king.
Period of rule: 2740 BC, period of rule = 14 years.
3 King Ni Ntjer or Ny Netr
Nenetjer tomb in Saqqara.
56 flint knives and 44 razor blades, in addition to pottery vessels containing wine and Pharaonic beer, wooden storage boxes, and wine bottles made of alabaster.
Period of rule: 2740 BC, period of rule = 45 years.
4 King Wing or Wong
Period of rule: 2740 BC
5 King Sinaj or Sanad
Sentence period = 47 years.
6 King Per Ib Sin or Set - Per Ib Sin
Bur Ib Sin Cemetery in Umm al-Jaab Tombs, Abydos.
His memorial burial slabs are stones engraved with the king's name.
Period of rule: 2740 BC, period of rule = 17 years.
Date of birth: 2775 BC
Date of death: 2650 BC
7 King Sekhem-ib, or Sekhem-ib, Ber-en-Maat, or Sekhem-ib
Period of rule: 2720 BC
8 King Neferkara I
Sentence period = 25 years
9 King Neferkasokar
Sentence period = 8 years
10King Hodjefa I
Sentence period = 11 years.
11King Khasekhemwy or Khasekhemwy
The tomb of Khasekhemwy in the Umm al-Ja'ab Tombs, Abydos.
Broken statue, small limestone statue, limestone vase with gold lid,
Period of rule: From 2754 BC to 2727 BC, period of rule = 18 years.
12King Nope Nefer
The era of the Old Kingdom in Pharaonic Egypt
The beginning of the rule of the Third Dynasty kings until the end of the rule of the Pharaohs kings of the Sadian Dynasty began from 2687 to 2191 BC.
Kings of the Pharaohs-2- 1-2778
Kings of the Pharaohs, Third Dynasty of Egypt:
The Pharaonic kings lasted from 2687 to 2649 BC.
1 King Djoser or Neet Gerecht, Tusorthros, Tussorthus
A limestone statue, the Step Pyramid or Pyramid of Djoser in Saqqara, a famine plaque engraved on black basalt stone, the southern tomb in the Djoser Collection, a Djoser plaque engraving a prayer to bring a flood,
Wife: Queen Hotephur Nabti
Children: Prince Sekhemkhet
Father: King Khasekhemwy
Mother: Queen Nimaathab
Period of rule: 2670 BC, period of rule = 19-28 years.
2 King Sekhemkhet
The buried pyramid at Saqqara, a Pharaonic carving on rocks in Wadi Maghara.
Wife: Queen Djoser-Nebti
Period of rule: from 2649–2643 BC, duration of rule = 7 years.
3 King Sankhet or Hor-sa-Nakhti
Father: King Khasekhemwy
Mother: Queen Nimaathab
Reign period: 2650
Date of death: 2715 BC
4 King Khaba
Round pyramid at Saqqara, tomb of Khaba in Zaouiat al-Arian Tombs at Saqqara
Father: King Sekhemkhet
Period of rule: from 2603 BC. To 2599 BC. M
5 King Neferka
6 King Huni
Ritual pyramid on Elephantine Paswan Island, fort, statue of the king’s head made of pink granite stone
Wife: Queen Daften Betty
Sons: Prince Hetepheres I and Prince Mir Senkh
Period of rule: 2637–2613 BC, period of rule = 24 years.
Kings of the Pharaohs-2- 1--1355
Kings of the Fourth Dynasty of Egypt:
The time period of the kings of the Egyptian Fourth Pharaonic Dynasty was from 2613 to 2496 BC.
1 King Sneferu
The Pyramid of Meidum, the Leaning Pyramid of Sneferu, the Red Pyramid, a statue of the king’s head made of granite stone, an entire statue made of limestone.
Wife: Queen Hetepheres
Children: Prince Khufu, Prince Ra-hotep, Ankh-haf, Ka-Nefer, Nefer-maat I, Netar-Aref, Ra-nefer, Iy-nefer-I, Princess Hetepheres, Neferet-Kau, Neferetesu, Princess Meretets I, Princess Henut-Sen
Mother: Queen Meresankh I
Period of rule: From 2613 to 2589 BC, period of rule = 24 or 45 years.
2 King Khufu
Statue, Sun Boat, Great Pyramid of Giza Pyramids. Giza Pyramids Complex, Great Sphinx
Wife: Queen Meritytes I and Queen Henutsen
Children: Prince Kaoub, Dedef-Hor, Hetepheres II, Meritetis II, Meresankh II, Boufra, Dedef-Ra, Min-Khaef I, Khafre, Khufu-Khaef I, Beif I, Hor-Beef, Neferetyabet, Princess Khamerernebty I, Neferamat II
Father: King Snefru
Mother: Queen Hetepheres I
Period of rule: From 2589 to 2566 BC, period of rule = 24 or 45 years.
Date of death: 2566 BC.
3 King Djedefre or Djedefre
The head of the Pharaonic king is made of red granite, the unfinished pyramid of Djedefre in the Abu Rawash area.
Wife: Queen Hetepheres II and Queen Khenetka
Father: King Khufu
Mother: Queen Merit I
A complete statue of a king made of diorite stone, the Pyramid of Khafre in the Giza Pyramids area, the Great Sphinx
Wife: Queen Bear Seanet
Father: King Khufu
Mother: Queen Merit I
Children: Prince Menkaure, Princess Kha Merar Nabti the first, Princess Kha Marar Nabti the second
Ruling period: between 2559 and 2535 BC
Sentence period: 26 years
5 Prince Baka or Bechiris
Zawyet El-Erian pyramid
Period of rule: 2570 BC. M
6 King Menkaure or Menkaure
The Pyramid of Menkaure, the pyramidal group of Menkaure, a black basalt statue with the goddess Hathor and the goddess Bat, a complete statue with his wife, Queen Khamerernebty II.
Wife: Queen Khamerernebti II and Queen Rekhetre
Father: King Khafre
Mother: Queen Khamarnabti I
Children: Prince Shepseskaf, Kho-en-Ra, and Princess Khent-Kaos and Sekhem-Re
Children: Princess Bonfar
Ruling period: from 2532–2503 BC
Sentence period: 18 or 22 years
Date of death: 2500 BC.
7 King Shepses Kaf
Two statues, Mastaba of Pharaoh, Saqqara area
Wife: Queen Khent-Kaos and Queen Bonefre
Father: King Menkaure
Mother: Queen Khamerernebti II or Queen Rekhetre
Ruling period: from 2503–2498 BC
Sentence period: 8 years
8 Queen betrayed Chaos I
A pyramidal temple on the Giza Plateau
Husband: King Shepses Kaf
Father: King Menkaure
Children: Prince Neferirkare Kakai, Princess Bonfer
Ruling period: from 2503–2498 BC. M
9 King Themephithes
Period of rule: from 2500 BC. M

Kings of the Pharaohs, Fifth Dynasty of Egypt:
The time period of the rule of the kings of the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt was from 2496 to 2345 BC.
1 King Userkaf
The Pyramid of Userkaf in Saqqara, the Funerary Temple of the Sun Abu Sir, a bust of the goddess Neith made of gray stone, a statue of the king's head made of pink granite,
Wife: Queen Neferhetepes or Queen Khentekaus
Children: Prince Sahu Ra, Prince Khamat
Reign period: 2496–2491 BC
2 King Sahu Ra
Pyramid of Sahure Abusir, stone statue
Father: King Userkaf
Mother: Queen Neferhetepes
Reign period: 2490–2477 BC
Sentence period: 12 years.
Date of death: 2475 BC
3 King Neferirkare
Pyramid of Neferirkare Abusir,
Wife: Queen Khentkaus II
Father: King Userkaf or King Sahure
Mother: Queen Merit Nabti or Queen Khent Khaos
Reign period: 2477–2467 BC
Date of death: 2455 BC. M
4 King Nefer-Ra or Ra-Nefer-If
Mortuary temple at Abusir, unfinished pyramid of Neferepre at Abusir
Wife: Queen Khentkaus III
Reign period: 2460–2458 BC
5 King Shepses Kare
Ruling period: 2426 BC - 2419 BC. M
6 King Niuserre
Pyramid of Niuserre at Abusir
Wife: Queen Rabti Nob
Father: King Neferirkare
Mother: Queen Khentkaus II
Reign period: 2445–2422 BC
Date of death: 2421 BC
Sentence period: 30 years.
7 King Menkaw Hor Kaew
The Pyramid of Menkau Horkayu in Saqqara and the Pyramid of Menkau Horkayu Abu Sir, a seal from the tomb of the chief artist inscribed with scenes of the Pharaoh King.
Children: Prince Djedka Ra
Reign period: 2422–2414 BC
8 King Dedkare
pyramid of Djedkare,
Wife: Queen Meresankh IV
Reign period: 2414–2375 BC
Date of death: 2375 BC
9 King Unas
unas pyramid,
Wife: Queen Khunut and Queen Nebt
Father: King Djedkare
Children: Princess Ibot I
Reign period: 2375–2345 BC
Date of birth: 2375 BC
Date of death: 2350 BC. M

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