Kings of the Pharaohs-6-
Kings of the Pharaohs-6- 1-2777
You can view the list of queens of ancient Egypt and the list of nobles of Pharaonic Egypt through our website.
The list of the historical succession of the Pharaoh kings of Egypt was recorded through documented sources and Pharaonic artifacts discovered in tombs, temples and underground in the cities of Luxor, Aswan, Giza and Saqqara, in addition to the sources of Egyptologists and historians interested in researching and excavating the secrets of ancient Egyptian civilization, such as the Greek historian Manetho, which is...
Kings of the Pharaohs of the Twentieth Dynasty of Egypt:
The time period was the rule of the kings of the Twentieth Dynasty of Egypt from 1190 to 1077 BC and witnessed the beginning of the Pharaonic Ramesside era.
1 King Setnakht or Userkhare - Set Ibn Ra or Setnakht
Ruling period: 1190–1186 BC
Sentence period: two years.
Date of death: 1188 BC
Wife: Queen Tiye Maren Essie
Children: Prince Ramses III and Princess Titi
Antiquities: Tomb No. 14 in the Valley of the Kings.
King Ramesses III, or User-Maat-Ra-Meri-Imn, or Ramesses III 2
Ruling period: 1186–1155 BC
Date of death: 1155 BC
Father: King Setnakhty
Mother: Queen Ti Merry Ness
Wife: Queen Tiye
Children: Prince Ramesses IV, Prince Ramesses VI, Prince Ramesses VIII, Prince Amun Hor-Khebeshef, Prince Meri-Amun
Antiquities: Tomb of Ramses III No. 11 in the Valley of the Kings, Temple of Ramesses III in Karnak, Habu Funerary Temple, buildings in Luxor Temple.
King Ramses IV or Haqa Maat Ra or Ramesses IV 3
Ruling period: 1155–1149 BC
Sentence period: 6 years.
Date of death: 1149 BC
Mother: Queen Titi
Wife: Queen Doatintopet
Children: Prince Ramesses V
Antiquities: Tomb of Ramesses IV No. 2 in the Valley of the Kings.
4 King Ramses V or Rameses V
Ruling period: 1149–1145 BC
Date of death: 1145 BC
Father: King Ramses IV
Mother: Queen Dwatentotep
Wife: Queen Hantuiti and Tuera Tanwi
Antiquities: Tomb of King Ramesses V No. 9 in the Valley of the Kings.
5 King Ramesses VI or Ramesses VI
Ruling period: 1145–1137 BC
Sentence period: 8 years.
Date of death: 1136 BC
Father: King Ramesses III
Mother: Queen Dwatentotep
Wife: Queen Est Tahmgart
Children: Prince Ramesses VII
Antiquities: Tomb No. 9 in the Valley of the Kings.
King Ramesses VII or Ramesses VII 6
Ruling period: 1137–1130 BC
Sentence period: 8 years.
Date of death: 1129 BC
Kings of the Pharaohs-6- 1-645
Father: King Ramesses VI
Mother: Queen Nebhesped
Antiquities: Tomb of King Ramesses VII No. 1 in the Valley of the Kings.
7 King Ramesses VIII, or Ramesses VIII, or User Maat-Ra-Ahen-Amun, or Ramesses Set-harkhepshef-meri-Amun.
Ruling period: 1130–1129 BC
Duration of sentence: one year.
Father: King Ramesses III
8 King Ramses IX or Rameses IX
Ruling period: 1129–1111 BC
Sentence period: 18 years.
Date of death: 1107 BC
Father: King Ramesses III
Wife: Queen Bucket Warner
Children: Prince Ramesses X
Antiquities: Tomb of King Ramesses IX No. 4 in the Valley of the Kings.
9 King Ramesses
Ruling period: 1111–1107 BC
Sentence period: 4 years.
Date of death: 1107 BC
Wife: Queen Titi
Children: Prince Ramesses XI
Antiquities: Tomb of Ramses X No. 18 in the Valley of the Kings.
10 King Ramses XI or Rameses XI
Ruling period: 1107–1077 BC
Father: King Ramses X
Wife: Queen Tentamun
Children: Princess Najmat, Princess Duat Hathor Hanut Tawi, Princess Tent Amun
Antiquities: Tomb of Ramses XI No. 4 in the Valley of the Kings.
Kings of the Pharaohs | List of male rulers of ancient Egypt's Pharaonic civilization
Names of ancient Egyptian pharaohs in order A complete list of the kings of ancient Egypt in the Pharaonic civilization
Egypt underwent a third period of transition, known as the Third Age of Decay, where a new series of rulers began from Libya...
Kings of the Pharaohs-6- 1-2778
Kings of the Pharaohs of the Twenty-first Dynasty of Egypt:
The time period of the rule of the Egyptian Pharaohs of the Twenty-first Dynasty was 1069 to 943 BC.
King Herihor
High Priest Pi-ankhi
High Priest of Panjim
High Priest Masaharta
The King and the Priest - The Greatest of Khebar Ra
High Priest of Panjem II
Kings of the Pharaohs-6- 1--1355
The Twenty-Second Pharaonic Dynasty of Egypt - Libya:
The time period of the rule of the kings of the Twenty-Second Dynasty of Egypt was from 943 to 728 BC.
King Shashenq I
King or Sarken I
King Ta-Klut I
King or Sarken II
King Shashenq II
King Takelot II
King Shashenq III
King Bamai
King Sheshenq IV

The Twenty-Third Pharaonic Dynasty of Egypt - Bubassia:
The time period of the reign of the Pharaoh kings was from 837 to 735 BC.
King Buddy Bast
King Sheshenq V
King or Sarken III
King Ta-Klut III
King Amenrod
King Osorkin IV.
The Twenty-Fourth Pharaonic Dynasty of Egypt - Sawiyah I:
The time period was 732 to 720 BC.
King Tavnakht (Sheshesre)
King Pak En Ren F (Wah Ka Ra) (Bokuris)
Names of the Pharaohs Kings of the Egyptian Twenty-fifth Pharaonic - Nubian Dynasty:
The time period of the rule of the Black Pharaohs of the Egyptian Twenty-Fifth Dynasty was 720 to 656 BC.
King Alara the Nubian
King Kashta
King Ankhi
King Shabaka
King Shebetko
King Taharqa
King Tanut Amani
Late era
The era witnessed a period of decline in ancient Egyptian civilization beginning from 664 to 332, and the rulers of Egypt were varying degrees of opportunity and Egyptian kings.

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