Kings of the Pharaohs-3-
Kings of the Pharaohs-3- 1-2777
You can view the list of queens of ancient Egypt and the list of nobles of Pharaonic Egypt through our website.
The list of the historical succession of the Pharaoh kings of Egypt was recorded through documented sources, including Pharaonic artifacts discovered in tombs, temples, and underground in the cities of Luxor, Aswan, Giza, and Saqqara, in addition to the sources of Egyptologists and historians interested in researching and excavating the secrets of ancient Egyptian civilization, such as the Greek historian Manetho, which is…
Kings of the Pharaohs, Sixth Dynasty of Egypt:
The time period was from 2345 to 2181 BC.
1 King Titi
Complete stone statue, Pyramid of Teti at Saqqara, broken obelisk
Wife: Queen Ibut I, Queen Khoit II, Queen Khentkaus IV, Queenwort Emets
Mother: Queen Seshsht
Children: Prince Pepi I, Prince Titiankhkem, Prince Nebkaw Hor, 9 princesses.
Reign period: 2345–2333 BC
Sentence period: 33 years.
2 King Userkare
Father: King Titi
Reign period: 2333–2332 BC
Duration of sentence: 3 years.
Date of death: 2330 BC. M
3 King Pepi I
Copper statue, Pyramid of Pepi I at Saqqara, funerary temples at Tell Basta and the Abydos area, statues made of alabaster.
Wife: Queen Ankhes-en-Pepi I, Queen Ankhes-en-Pepi II, Queen Nob-Onenet, Queen Meritets IV, Queen Ennek-Enti, Queen Meha, and Queen Najaf-tet.
Children: Prince Merna Ra I, Prince Bibi II
Reign period: 2332–2283 BC
Date of death: 2283 BC. M
4 King Merenre I
Father: King Pepi I
Mother: Queen Ankhesenbep I
Children: Princess Ankhesenbebe III
Reign period: 2283–2278 BC
Sentence period: 13 years.
5 King Pepi II Neferkare
The pyramid of Pepi II at Saqqara, an alabaster statue
Wife: Queen Neit, Queen Ebut II, Queen Ankhesen Pepi III, Queen Ankhesen Pepi IV, Queen Wajepten
Father: King Merenre I
Mother: Queen Ankhes-en-Bibi
Reign period: 2278–2184 BC
Sentence period: 94 years.
Date of birth: 2284 BC. M
6 King Neferka
Reign period: 2200–2199 BC
7 King Mernare II
Ruling period: 2151 - 2150 BC
Sentence period: two years.
8 Al-Malik Net Djer Ka Ra Siptah
Reign period: 2184-2181 BC
Egypt began to enter the first era of decline, or the first Egyptian transitional period, after which...
With the end of the rule of the Pharaoh kings of the Sixth Dynasty, a famine revolution broke out, economic and living conditions deteriorated among the ancient Egyptians, and wars and theft broke out between the regions of northern and southern Egypt. The kings and rulers of the era of the First Intermediate Egyptian Period were unable to control it, and the kings did not care about building funerary temples and royal tombs.
The period of the First Decline begins from 2180 to 2060 BC, during which the arts of literature in ancient Egypt, poetry and poem writing flourished, and many distinguished sages and poets appeared.
Kings of the Pharaohs-3- 1-2778
Kings of the Seventh and Eighth Dynasties of Egypt:
The time period was from 2181 to 2160 BC. The city of Memphis was the capital of ancient Egypt for the Seventh and Eighth Dynasties.
1 King of Kare
Period of rule: 2181 BC
2 King Neferkare II
3 King Neferkare III
Pyramid of Neferkare III at Saqqara
Mother: Queen Enkhesenbey II
Reign period: 2181-2055 BC
Date of death: 2040 BC
4 King Djedkare Shemai
5 King Neferkare Khan Du
6 King Marna Hor
7 King Neferkamen
8 King Nikare
Reign period: 2181–2055 BC
9 King Neferkare Tireru
10King Neferka-Hur
11 King Neferkare Pepi-Sin-ib
12 King Neferkamenu
Period of rule: 2170 BC
13King Kakare-epi
Pyramid of Qakarepi in Saqqara
Reign period: 2169–2167 BC
14 King Neferkaure II
Reign period: 2167–2163 BC
15King Neferkau-Hur
Ruling period: 2181–2055 BC. M
16King Neferirkare
Kings of the Pharaohs-3- 1-645
Kings of the Pharaohs, Ninth Dynasty of Egypt:
The time period was from 2160 to 2130 BC.
1 King Khiti I
Period of rule: 2160 BC
2 King Neferker VII
3 King Khiti VI
4 King Setut
Kings of the Pharaohs-3- 1--1355
Kings of the Tenth Dynasty of Egypt:
The time period of the rule of the kings of the Tenth Dynasty of Egypt was from 2130 to 2040 BC.
1King Merihathor
Period of rule: 2130 BC
2 King Nipherkare VIII
3 King Wakhare-Khiti
4King Merikare
Period of rule: 2040 BC
The Middle Kingdom in ancient Pharaonic Egypt:
Kings of the Eleventh Dynasty of Egypt:
The time period of the reign of the kings of the Eleventh Dynasty was from 2134 to 1991 BC.
1 King Intef the Great
2 King Mentuhotep I
Broken statue
Wife: Queen Nefre I
Father: King Intef the Great
Period of rule: 2135 BC. M
3 King Intef I
Stone inscription in the Temple of Montu in the Karnak Temple Complex
Father: King Mentuhotep I
Mother: Queen Nefre I
Ruling period: 2120 - 2070 BC. M
4 King Intef II
Stone funerary stela, Pharaonic tomb
Father: King Mentuhotep I
Mother: Queen Nefre I

Ruling period: 2118-2069 BC. M
Date of death: 2063 BC. M
5 King Intef III
Pharaonic tomb in the Western Thebes cemetery
Father: King Intef II
Mother: Queen Nef-Ra - Khiti
Ruling period: 2069-2061 BC. M
Sentence period = 8 years
Date of death: 2061 BC. M
6 King Mentuhotep II
A stone statue made of colored sandstone, a cylindrical ring, the funerary temple of Mentuhotep II in Deir el-Bahari, a Pharaonic tomb in the Theban necropolis, the ruins of demolished temples.
Father: King Intef III
Mother: Queen Yah
Children: Prince Mentuhotep III
Ruling period: 2061–2010 BC. M
Sentence period = 51 years
Date of death: 1995 BC. M
7 King Mentuhotep III
Stone statues, Pharaonic tomb in Saqqara
Father: King Intef III
Ruling period: 1997–2009 BC. M
8 King Mentuhotep IV Neptawiri
Father: King Mentuhotep III
Period of rule: 1997–1991 BC. M
9 King Sigirseni
10King Qakari Ini
11King Aib betrayed Ra

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